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World's first wind and gas offshore energy project

The first duel energy scheme sited off the Cumbrian coast has been given the go-ahead today.
Named the Ormonde project from Eclipse Energy, it will be sited 10km from Walney Island near Barrow in Furness.

This hybrid development has the potential to generate up to 200mW of electricity - enough energy for around 70,000 homes - with almost half coming from a 30 turbine wind farm.

When the wind isn't sufficient, power will still come via conventional gas sources pumped from two fields in nearby Morecambe Bay for which DTI approval has also been sought.

"We are now starting to see a real flow of approvals for energy projects in UK waters. The London Array and Thanet schemes in the Thames Estuary went through in December," said energy minister Lord Truscott.
"The Ormonde scheme is unusual in that it will combine wind and gas power to produce continuous electricity for the region. It is an exciting and innovative technological first that will make a contribution to our renewable energy aims."

Commenting on the licence award, Ian Hatton, managing director of Eclipse said: "We have combined both North Sea oil and gas experience and business models to provide a commercial catalyst to enable us to harness the energy from offshore natural gas fields and wind power, this is a global first.

"Over the next few years the UK's natural gas reserves will become depleted and we will become increasingly dependent upon imported energy. It is therefore vital that we explore the opportunities for producing energy from renewable sources and that we maximise recovery of the nation's indigenous energy.

The Ormonde project is scheduled for completion in 2010.
