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Vertikal Days

A meeting of minds

The Vertikal Press, publishers of Vertikal.Net and Cranes & Access is organising a new cranes and access industry event in September 2007 which will be called Vertikal Days.
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We deliberately avoid using the exhibition word as it is a totally different concept not intended to attract tens of thousands of visitors and without the ‘my stand is bigger than your stand’ trappings of the usual trade show.

The point of this event is to bring together lifting professionals from the UK for a two day event at which rental companies, fleet owners and lifting professionals have a chance to view the latest products, meet with a wide number of suppliers and discuss their
purchasing or technical requirements for the year ahead.


The concept is very much based on the successful formula that we support in Germany - Platformer Days. The event will be promoted widely by the Vertikal Press with visitors required to either pre-register, be invited by an exhibitor, or to pay at the entrance.

For visitors, all that is required is to turn up. There will be no parking charges and all hospitality is included (within reason!). A one day visit will allow you, we hope, to meet all of the UK’s main suppliers of equipment along with a number of relevant component and consumable suppliers.

There will be no earthmoving or other unrelated equipment, no large distances to walk, and apart from a short wait at the buffet or the bar, no queuing!


For exhibitors, a low fixed entry price will secure a standard space.

No special ground preparation is allowed unless safety dictates, no fancy stands, just a gazebo/tent to keep
out any rain which we can provide and no catering, no fancy graphics, electricity water or special passes to worry about. Just turn up with your equipment and literature the night before or even the morning of the show and set out your pitch.

We very much hope that this will become an annual event, but only if the industry feels it is a good idea.

We intend to have exhibitors join us to help develop the concept and to feel some ownership of the event. To this end the more exhibitors who sign up each year, the more chance we will have of bringing the cost down.


The first Vertikal Days event will be held at Haydock Park on September 19th and 20th 2007. The event will be open to producers of the following equipment:
• Aerial lifts
• Mobile access towers
• Mast climbers and hoists
• Mobile cranes
• Tower and trailer cranes
• Loader cranes
• Telescopic handlers
• Safety equipment
• Training centres
• Associated components and equipment
• Affiliated trade associations.
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Vertikal Days will kick off each day at 10am in order to allow exhibitors based in the area to set up on the first morning and to commute to the show without an ungodly start. This
will allow visitors to avoid the worst of the morning’s traffic without feeling that they have missed anything, and to cater to those of us who simply aren’t at our best first thing.

The first day will end around 5:30pm. However it is our intention to host an informal dinner/party on site which is likely to continue until late. If you are therefore in deep discussions at 5:30 you can continue for as long as you like, no need to worry about being locked in.

On day two we will call it a day at 4pm although once again we are very relaxed about times. No one will be coming round taking any stand down around you, we simply ask that you respect those visitors that have come for the afternoon and don’t pack up and move out just because you’re bored.

During each day, coffee, tea, soft drinks and snacks will be available all day and are included. That means free of charge! From around 11am till 2.30pm a buffet lunch will be provided, and a simple bar will be open serving beer and wine.

For exhibitors, if the budget will stretch to it, we will also provide a bar and food on the evening of the set up day.


The plan is to subdivide the outside area at Haydock into a number of equal sized plots which will then be sold. Assuming that everyone feels that this should be a regular event
and assuming that the Haydock location is considered suitable as a permanent home, exhibitors will have first option on their location in subsequent years.

Given the physical size of mobile cranes there will be a few super sized plots to accommodate them.

All exhibitors will be issued with a good number of free invitations/entrance passes and further quantities will be available. Visitors will also have the chance to pre-register on the
Vertikal.Net/Vertikal Days web sites.

Colour coded badges will be issued which will tell our bar and serving staff that the person requesting hospitality is an invited or qualified visitor and not a gate crasher looking for a free beer.

Should a member of the public wish to attend we are considering charging either an entrance fee to cover their hospitality or a separate coloured badge which obliges them to purchase their drinks.


Plots will cost £3,000 each and are all inclusive. The only thing we ask is that you ensure that your stand and exhibit is fully insured against all risks. We are currently working with a
number of marquee suppliers to offer you a simple pre-erected tent should you require it.


f you are interested in participating or would simply like further information, please contact anymember of the Vertikal team. We intend to have a website for Vertikal Days set up shortly so please bear with us on this.

Your primary contact should be
–Pam Penny
T (44)-01902-851334
M (44)-07917-155657
Email [email protected]

Or the Vertikal UK or German Offices.

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