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Beware the scam

We have frequently reported on the devious methods of the Fair Guide, clearly they are catching enough companies to keep funding the massive mailing campaigns that they run.

With the exhibition season coming up and having received three letters from them this week, we thought we ought to issue a new warning.
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Do not get caught by this letter, even if you sign it you are not obliged to pay

The latest letters have SED in the exhibition box, it is true that if you simply fill in your details, which they already have anyway, and return the form, there is no charge.

However the natural inclination of someone completing the form is to sign it. If they do so they appear to commit the company to €971 per year for up to four years. €3,884 in total!

This for something that is of little to no benefit to anyone, with the possible exception of junk marketeers?

If you have made the mistake of signing this heinous letter, please be reassured that in spite of the small print you are not obliged to pay. Yes they will lean heavily on you and send you a number of legal looking letters.

But.. in 2004 a court in Chemnitz ruled that this is false marketing and that those inadvertently signing the letters are not obliged to pay them.
See court rules against fair guide
