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Swan Hunter's cranes to go to India

The famous Swan Hunter cranes that have been a feature of the sykline for as long as anyone can remember, are to be dismantled and sent to India while some will be scrapped.
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The Swan Hunter craneline

Most of the cranes have been sold to an Indian shipyard by owner Jaap Kroese for an estimated £2.5 million.
Their final destination is the Bharati shipyard in Mangalore on the south-west coast of India.
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Most of the cranes will be shipped to India, while others will be scrapped

Swan Hunter closed in July after the Ministry of Defence took an unfinished ship to a yard in Scotland. Plans to establish the yard as a breaking business also failed.

Cranes first appeared on the Swan Hunter site around 150 years ago
when the yard was establisheed to build some of the early steam ships. The yard became famous for building ships such as the Mauretania and the aircraft carrier HMS Ark Royal.
