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Latest issue of K&B

If you are interested in the German speaking market, the latest issue of Kran & Bühne is now online and available to read or download - there is no need to register or complete any type of form whatsoever.
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This issue includes features on:
- Alternative lifting
- The market for articulated and telescopic boom lifts
- The annual 'Who has the longest?' review of the largest equipment - who makes them and who offers has them in their rental fleets
Plus of course all the usual news, views and regular columns

The next issue of Kran & Bühne - March - will include features on:
- Truck mounted platform applications
- The latest tower crane developments
- The annual regional distributor guide
- The quarterly Glassbau suplement
- A preview of the Frontale event

If you have any contributions, ideas or suggestions please contact our editorial team at: [email protected], or if you are interested in boosting your business by advertising in the next issue, contact our sales team at [email protected] or make contact with any member of the Vertikal team.
