
A crushing incident

A man, said to be in his 60s, is in critical condition in hospital in Ipswich - south east of Brisbane - in Queensland, Australia.

The man was working at a school early yesterday morning, when according to initial reports he was ‘dog walking’ a tracked scissor lift, possibly after it has been delivered as some reports say that he was travelling it up the drive to the school, when he either inadvertently drove it towards him, or was walking backwards with the machine, which crushed him against a rigid traffic fence.

The Queensland Ambulance service issued a statement that said: “One patient with life threatening injuries to the abdomen, chest and head has been transported to Princess Alexandra Hospital following a workplace incident on Torch Street whereby the patient became trapped between a scissor lift and a fence at 7.08am.”

WorkSafe Queensland attended the scene and has opened an investigation into the incident.
