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Industry to make concerted effort to improve tower crane safety

Key industry representatives agreed an action plan last week to improve safety following recent incidents involving tower cranes.

John Spanswick, chairman of the Strategic Forum Health and Safety Group called the meeting last Thursday, providing an opportunity for open and detailed discussion about the challenges concerning the use of tower cranes.

“Tower cranes are the most visible and largest piece of equipment on site and present a major potential hazard," said Spanswick. "It is important to maintain focus on the safe use of tower cranes and review regularly so that agreed action plans are being implemented."

The Forum agreed that in the short term, the industry would need to take action in the following areas:

1. Ensure that site specific inductions are provided to all those in control of tower crane erection, operation and dismantling, with an emphasis on appropriate risk assessment
2. Review the levels and extent of individual competency for all, including operators and those carrying out inspection and maintenance procedures, with a focus on training support
3. Ensure robust and thorough examination and maintenance regimes
4. Improve operator working conditions such as using external crane hoists for access, ensuring adequate welfare facilities and reasonable working hours
5. Improve communications on site amongst those in control of crane operation, including open dialogue between site management and crane operators to ensure that operator concerns can be raised without risk of retribution, such as wind restrictions in adverse weather conditions
6. Better sharing of information in relation to incidents and near hits
7. Improve communication to the public, providing clear information in relation to crane issues including examination processes

There was wide industry representation within the group and members agreed that there had been constructive dialogue on the issues addressed. All representatives had the opportunity to raise their key issues and it was clear that there was a strong general consensus on the areas of concern.

There was also recognition that the industry is already working hard to improve the use of tower cranes including the production of clear and prescriptive guidance on issues such as crane operation and maintenance along with the implementation of company procedures on managing tower crane activities. However the group felt that there were areas which required further efforts – achieving success through broad engagement and ownership of the issues.

The next Forum meeting is to be within the next six months.
