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Tree trimming electrocution

One man was killed and another is seriously ill in hospital today in Palmetto, Florida, after they were electrocuted while trimming trees from the basket of an aerial work platform.

The dead man has been named as Timothy Johnson, the injured man is Allen Johnson who was reported as in stable condition at the hospital last night.

The two men were trimming trees in a residential area when it appears they cut a limb that came into contact with live power lines.
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A power company employee removes one of the fallen branches after the incident yesterday.

Vertikal Comment

Working close to live power lines is a major risk at any time, but when cutting tree limbs that can fall across the lines and create a conduit to the basket and its occupants is almost a matter of when not if.

An increasing number of tree surgeons are sensibly specifying insulated platforms these days in order to help avoid or reduce the risk of such accidents.
