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Crane topples on school playground

A mobile crane tipped over while removing a portable building at a school in Suffolk earlier this week. The 95 tonne five axle Liebherr supplied by Quinto Cranes, had lifted an old cabin out over the roof of Bardwell Primary School and had placed a replacement building in its place when it tipped.
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The crane ended in a tricky position

Local reports say that it narrowly missed two buildings but destroyed a wooden shed. Reports say that the driver had completed the lift and was stowing the crane when it tipped.

Work is now underway to recover the crane from the playground, where it is resting in a precarious position. Quinto is taking no risks with the removal of the crane and it is still likely to be there when pupils return to school on Wednesday.

If so staff are planning to incorporate the incident into lessons in a bid to turn it into a learning experience for the youngsters.

Frank Stockley, senior education officer at Suffolk County Council, said: “It (the crane) caused some damage to the playground and an external store but the main school was untouched and, very fortunately, no one was hurt.

An HSE spokesperson said: “HSE is aware of the incident, have visited the site and are investigating."

Vertikal Comment

It looks as though the operator had stowed his outriggers and was possibly rotating the superstrucure with full counterweight and retracted boom at maximum elevation when it went over backwards.

Why the operator did not leave the outriggers extended is anyones guess.
