
Hoeflons for Meister Kran

German rental company Meister Kran has taken delivery of three, units of Hoeflon's three tonne capacity C6e electric spider cranes from local distributor Fokker Group.
Collecting the units

The C6e features a five section 9.5 metre main boom and a 4.3 metre hydraulic luffing jib to offer a maximum tip height of 16.4 metres. It can handle its maximum capacity at 2.05 metres and 211kg at its maximum radius of 14.4 metres.

The handover included a visit to Hoeflon's facility in the Netherlands, where the company was able to view the manufacturer's new facility and discuss upcoming product developments.
(L-R) David Fokker of Fokker with Heiko Haase and Alex Meister of Meister Kran with Gert van Hoef of Hoeflon

David Fokker of Fokker Group said: "We thank Meister Kran for their trust in us and Hoeflon products. There is nothing better than opening up new markets with customers like this.”

Established over 40 years ago, Meister is based in Dieburg, central Germany, and originally started out as a towing service and car dismantler.
