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JLG UK approved for CAP cards

JLG Industries (UK) of Manchester is latest IPAF training centre to be approved to offer the Competent Assessed Person (CAP) programme.

The CAP programme assesses service and maintenance engineers as competent persons who can perform thorough examinations of mobile elevating work platforms.

The CAP assessment takes one day and covers thorough examination requirements, performance, records and defect reporting.

Successful candidates are issued with the CAP Card, which certifies that they have been independently assessed as competent persons having the knowledge and ability to plan, manage or carry out thorough examinations of platforms.

Regular, thorough examinations of all lifting equipment are required by law under the Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) 1998.

“Getting a major manufacturer on board is a boost for IPAF’s CAP programme,” said Tim Whiteman, IPAF managing director.
