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Vertikal Days

The full exhibitor pack for Vertikal Days 2008 is now online and available for download, if you have not already received one.
2007 exhibitors have first option on their stand locations from last year as long as they book by mid February.

The layout is slightly different from last year in order to improve visitor traffic so the numbers do not exactly correspond with those of last year. So look for location rather than stand number.

A good number of new exhibitors have already signed up for 2008 so it promises to be a good show, hopefully with better weather. The dates are June 25th and 26th which will be with us fast enough. In order to simplify things we have a one stop package this year as well as the basic stand. This will allow you to order one package that includes the gazebo, furniture, literature rack, party tickets etc... Aimed to make it easier than ever.
Click here to go directly to this years pack
