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UK Push around launches in USA

Next week’s Rental show at the ARA will see the launch of two British designed push around scissor lifts. Both the Pop-Up and the Power Tower will be on display.

CTE- UK has signed a licence agreement with Bil-Jax, the Ohio based manufacturer of trailer lifts, self propelled boom lifts, push around lifts and scaffold products. The first unit under the agreement is due off line this week and will be shown on the Bil Jax stand in Las Vegas.
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The CTE Power Tower

At the same time, Pop-Up Products has secured a stand at the Rental show to test the North American market for its highly successful push around scissor lifts the 1.63 metre platform height Pop-Up and 2.6 metre high Pop-Up Plus.
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The original Pop-Up

The company has sold over 3,000 units since it launched the product in early 2006 is has tested the products to Ansi standards and will exhibit in order to gauge potential demand.
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The Pop-Up Plus

Vertikal Comment

The push around scissor lift has been highly successful in the UK and is now gaining ground in France, Germany and Scandinavia. Much of the success has been in shifting users from ladders and low level scaffold towers to these push around lifts.

In the USA much of the same work is already carried out from self propelled scissor lifts so job is quite different. Where the machines score is price, weight and simplicity. The time is probably not the best for launching a new concept although on the other hand buyers might be looking for something different.

Given the size of the market and potential demand for a lighter ..less expensive product both producers could do relatively well.
