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Cable car ride for Unic

Specialist haulage and machinery transport company, Emil Egger, recently hired the largest spider crane, a Unic 706 from the Unic Cranes Switzerland dealer, Senn AG. The machine was to be used to shift and install heavy equipment at a power station located in Robiei, high in the Maggiatals, part of the Swiss Alps.

However, being 1900 metres above sea level the power station can only be reached by cable car.
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The Unic 706 being transported on a specially adapted platform.

The 706 together with a 5 tonne forklift truck were transported up the mountain in a cable car specially adapted with a loading platform. Once at the top, the forklift was used to offload various smaller components and the spider crane was used to lower the larger objects – some weighing up to three tonnes, approximately 15 metres into position.
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Plant weighing up to three tonnes was lifted into position
