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New York crane climb draws a crowd

The first tower crane to be climbed in New York since the fatal accident on March 15th drew a large crowd of onlookers on Saturday at the Brooklyn construction site.

Building inspectors are now witnessing all climbs and word had gone out pulling in a large crowd made up of safety managers, police officers, construction workers, pedestrians, motorists and newspaper reporters all watching with trepidation as the 46 metre luffing crane was prepared for an additional 30 metres of tower to be added.
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Work begins on Saturday's climb

U.S. Crane and Rigging LLC was responsible for carrying out the climb and owner Thomas Auringer was on site to oversee the work.

The climbing frame was lifted into place and prepared for the first section but then the wind began to pick up. New York rules forbid climbing once wind gusts reach 30 mph although the crane in question is apparently limited to 25 mph.

By the early afternoon the wind was gusting as high as 26mph so the climb was called off without any o f the five new sections being inserted. The crew was returning on Sunday and most likely hoping for fewer spectators.

Auringer said: “We had time to do a section, but we decided to call it off. Weather runs our business. And if it’s not safe, we don’t work. This is standard procedure.”
