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Crane used in raid

Armed robbers in Denmark used a mobile crane to smash their way through the office wall of Loomis AB a money transport company in Copenhagen. The thieves escaped with DK 30 million (over £3.1 million)

Six masked men with submachine guns entered the headquarters of Loomis Danmark in the Copenhagen suburb of Glostrup, snatching bags of cash that employees were handling.

The men left a package containing 5 kilograms (11 pounds) of explosives at Glostrup station, part of Copenhagen's S-train system, forcing police to shut down part of the rail system disrupting local traffic. The thieves escaped in three cars with Swedish and German plates, and dropped nails on the street, flattening the tyres of four police cars and preventing officers from pursuing them.

“It's a professional and very aggressive robbery,'' said police spokesman Bent Isager-Nielsen. We will investigate the crime on a local, national and international level.''

Britain's biggest robbery also took place at a Loomis depot south of London in 2006, when armed robbers kidnapped the facility's manager and his family and forced him to open the building. The thieves stole £53 million.
