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New president for IPAF

John Ball managing director of Irish based Height for Hire/Easi UpLifts officially took over as president of the International Powered Access Federation at its Annual General Meeting today.

Ball who takes over from Andrew Reid will serve a two year term and pledged to do all he can to further expand the federations membership which has doubled in the past three years.
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Andrew Reid (L) hands over to John Ball

He citedthe need to extend the federations coverage of Eastern Europe where powered access is begining to take off and where safety is becoming a serious issue. He also said that he saw further growth potential in North America, building on the significant progress of the past few years.
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John Ball introduces himself and lays out his objectives

In a short address to members Ball noted the significant contribution that his two predecessors, Andrew Reid and Pierre Saubot had made and said that IPAF members owe a substantial debt of gratitude to Andrew Reid for the strategic descisions made during his term and wished him well in his retirement. He concluded by saying "This is an industry which is not yet 40 years old, the Future is bright, and the future for IPAF is very bright.”

Ball also announced that the 2009 IPAF Summit will be held on April 2nd in Dublin and invited all members to make plans now.

The Summit followed shortly after the AGM with on e of the strongest attendances in recent years with 269 places booked at the Federations 25th anniversary dinner.
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A record number attended the Summit
