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Man stranded in lift

A man installing lights for this weekend's Diwali festival in Wellingborough was left stranded in an aerial lift in Wellingborough, England, late last night after two late night drinkers coming out of a pub, removed the keys from the machines lower controls.

The two men came out of the pub to find the aerial lift working outside. The men exchanged words with the operator and after a bit of a contratemps the two shut the machine off and made off with the keys.

The man was stranded around five to six metres up in the boom lift for almost an hour, before fire-fighters arrived to rescue him. They used a ladder to bring him down.

Police caught up with the thieves and recovered the keys after the man was back on firm ground
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The platform next morning

Nick McLaren, a spokesman for Piggotts, which was putting the lights up for Wellingborough Council said: "It was a quiet evening until about 3am, when two people came out of a pub and started making inappropriate remarks. The incident left our man stuck in the air for a long time."
