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Managers arrested for China hoist accident

Seven employees of a construction company, including managers and safety supervisors, have been arrested in connection with a hoist accident that killed 11 workers last month.

The seven are accused of allowing workers to be lifted in a goods container and took no steps to deal with a cable that supported the container, even though several employees had reported that the cable was in a dangerous condition, just three days prior to the accident, according to a statement from the procuratorate in Wulong County, Chongqing yesterday.

Eleven construction workers died and 12 others were injured on October 28th after a cable supporting the container broke, dropping the container onto the partially built bridge they were working on in Wulong..
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An investigation has revealed that the local government had issued an order at the beginning of this year, urging the company to stop carrying workers in goods containers. The management failed to comply. They also ignored the warnings from employees just three days prior to the accident.
