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IPAF in China

IPAF president John Ball and managing director Tim Whiteman are in China to host a meeting of Chinese manufacturers on Wednesday.

The two stopped in to see IPAF member Beijing JingCheng Heavy Industry yesterday, They were received by vice technical director Bai Ri and deputy manager and party secretary DU Yuexi.
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(L-R) Bai Ri, John Ball, Tim Whiteman and Du Yuexi

Wednesday’s meeting will include a presentation of the services available from IPAF along with review of trends in the European and worldwide rental markets.
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Pictured after the meeting are (L-R): Colin Zhuang and Bernie Kiekebosch of Haulotte, John Ball of Easi UpLifts, Su Jie of BJHI, Tim Whiteman of IPAF, Bai Ri and Michelle Yu of BJHI.
