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Union chief takes over at CSCS

As widely expected, George Brumwell was yesterday confirmed as the new chairman of the UK’s Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS). He won the ballot with a wide majority. The vacancy was created when Tony Merricks stood down after serving as CSCS chairman for 10 years.

The ballot also saw Graham Medcroft elected as CSCS vice-chairman.

Brumwell, the outgoing general secretary of the construction workers' union UCATT said: "I am looking forward to taking on the challenge of chairmanship for CSCS. I have taken over at a time when the scheme's momentum is building, driven largely by the support of the Major Contractors Group and government.

"The next step is galvanising the support of all government offices that procure construction. I will be making it my first priority to meet with these departments to encourage them to promote CSCS among their contractors.

“CSCS is already a readily identifiable standard for industry and it is my aim to further promote this brand, once the volume of cardholders increases, to the consumer market, as a mark of quality for all builders."

The International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) agreed a joint standard with CSCS earlier in the year (See Vertikal.Net August 7, 2003) with the IPAF logo to go on the back of CSCS cards in some instances. IPAF's PAL Card is seen as a special case because of its international standing and its wide-spread use outside the construction industry.

George Brumwell's last major pronouncement at UCATT was to announce that they were appointing five roving safety advisers. (See Vertikal.Net Jan 15th 04) He has also called for CSCS “licences” to be made compulsory.

One of the driving forces behind the CSCS scheme in construction has been the Major Contractors Group (MCG) which has stipulated what cards or proof of training they will or will not accept, with the trend being towards CSCS only. The MCG has, however, confirmed that the IPAF card continues to be accepted on its sites ( see Vertikal .Net December 11 2003).

Interestingly Brumwell's appointment comes at a time when the MCG is showing signs of falling apart, with the biggest contractors threatening to leave the group and set up their own grouping.

One thing is for sure: Brumwell is unlikely to be a low profile chairman.
