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Volvo postpones telehandler launch

Volvo has told Vertikal.Net not to expect the launch of its telehandler range at Bauma 2004 and that the earliest we are likely to see a telehandler in Volvo livery is Conexpo 2005, but at this stage even that is not certain.

Volvo Construction Equipment has decided to shift its new product priority away from the re-engineered UpRight range of telehanders. It is known that the "Volvo-ised" prototypes had been produced and were on test as early as April 2003.

Volvo refrained form discussing why the range's introduction had been postponed, only stating that other new product lines were taking priority for the time being.

Volvo purchased the designs, components, fixtures and some test units from Upright, after the latter company had gone into Chapter 11 back in 2001. The UpRight range was considered to be first rate by the few contractors who purchased them. The fact that the design concept provided both a high and a low boom version with the minimum of additional components was also considered to be a plus, providing European and North American concepts in a single range.

The failure of the product was down to a lack of heavy construction or agricultural distribution, poor timing and a lack of brand image in the mainstream telehandler market.

The range was only every marketed in North America, although constructed to CE standards, the units lacked the finesse in areas such as cab quality, styling and console design. These were the main technical areas where Volvo was expected to assert its expertise, as well as having a brand image that is well suited for telehandlers.
