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More roof walking

We receive photos of tradesmen walking on pitched roofs to gain access to work at height every, however the worst examples have to be on repetitive jobs in the public arena.

The latest example we have received, occurred at the RAF Fairford Air Tattoo in Fairford, Gloucestershire, UK, last week. A company from Blackpool P Sedgwick & Son erected the Old Time Photo Studio, clearly something they do at shows on a regular basis.
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Another spot light goes in, if that wire catches on something it could easily pull him off balance

In order to wire up the lighting over the veranda roof, one man somehow climbed up onto it and proceeded to work for some time on the small pitched roof. A short step ladder, also misused, appeared to be the only other form of access equipment unless the company’s meticulous Volvo tractor unit, complete with articulated crane was used?
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Working on a sloping roof, hardly the best working environment

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It looks so easy, just as well it is not raining

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Check the step ladder out - leaning already and on grass, still it is low level

We are all guilty of using something to-hand or standing on a roof to carry out a quick job, particularly at a trade show and its not too high, however why companies that erect stands on a regular basis do no invest in some appropriate equipment, which will not only be safer but in all likelihood faster, is a mystery. It indicates a scant disregard or lack of awareness of falls from height and the fact that most injuries come from low level falls.

When you see the real masters at putting up prefabricated buildings, including a couple of German quality house manufacturers we have seen, they have all the access pre-planned with the right equipment and can erect large structures amazingly fast and safely – they know that working out how to reach things once on site is both slow and dangerous.

By the look of the Volvo truck these people appreciate good kit, we will send them a copy of the latest Cranes & Access. How many access companies call on showmen?
