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Group calls for minimum standards for container cranes

The TT Club, the Port Equipment Manufacturers Association (PEMA) and ICHCA International have announced a joint project to establish agreed common minimum safety specifications that should be standard on all quayside container cranes.

The TT Club (Through Transport Club), is a mutual insurer for the transport and logistics industry and also provides risk management services. Earlier this year it recommended the installation anti-collision devices on all port cranes.

The project is aimed at helping the port and terminal industry minimise injuries and incident cost over the life of the cranes. Initial work will involve agreeing the list of safety features that should be standard. Once this has been completed a commitment will be sought from all quayside crane manufacturers to adopt the minimum standard specification for all tenders.

In announcing the project Laurence Jones TT Club's director of global risk assessment said: “There are many features available for the design of quay container cranes which can dramatically improve safety, reducing exposure to injury, damage and disruption costs. Our group wants to ensure that such features are included as standard and not optional in specifications tendered by equipment manufacturers.”

Port Equipment Manufacturers Association (PEMA) President, Ottonel Popesco added “The issue that the project seeks to address is developing a benchmarked minimum standard safety specification for quayside container cranes. This may include issues such as boom anti-collision sensors, appropriate interlocking and gate locks between the crane cab and boom, safe stairway inclines and handrail heights, gantry drive and braking systems, storm brakes, storm pins and tie-downs.”

“Just like seat belts in cars, critical safety features should be standard and not optional. As part of PEMA's mission to support and contribute to best practice initiatives, we hope that this project will make a valuable contribution to our industry and our customers by defining common guidelines for quay crane safety features.”

John Strang, the chairman of ICHCA (International Cargo Handling and Coordination Association), said: Inevitably, crane procurement is price sensitive and requires significant budget. However, buyers will not always be familiar with the most effective safety technologies. Furthermore, the process of specification is complex, any quote needs to be carefully assessed against the invitation to tender, and subsequent change requests can be costly. For all these reasons, there should be a standard safe baseline provided in every tender to ensure the industry has the safest cranes possible.”

“This issue is not restricted to quay container cranes, it is equally relevant for other cranes and other terminal equipment. Our long term aim is to establish international and national baseline safety standards for all terminal equipment.”
