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Butler buys out Ainsworth

Mark Butler has acquired Andy Ainsworth’s shareholding in Zenith Aerial Platforms, the jointly held UK based truck mounted aerial lift rental company.

The two partners established Zenith, or Mammoth as it was initially named, in early 2006 to acquire a fleet of larger truck mounts, including a 90 metre Bronto, the largest UK based aerial lift, with the first units arriving in October 2006.

Ainsworth also owns AA Access which has its own fleet of truck mounted lifts which it supplement the larger units from Zenith. The two have parted company on good terms and by mutual agreement, and say that they look forward to supporting each other’s companies in the future.
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Mark Butler (L) and Andy Ainsworth

“We have worked successfully together over many years and intend to continue our working relationship in the future albeit under different umbrellas.” said Butler.
