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Street Crane appoints Middle East distributor

UK-based overhead crane and hoist manufacturer Street Crane has appointed Juffali Heavy Equipment Company (JHECO) as its exclusive distributor for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

JHECO will offer a full range of cranes with SWL of up to 200 tonnes. JHECO, part of the E A Juffali and Brothers Group, is one of the largest commercial enterprises in Saudi Arabia. Street Crane - based in Chapel-en-le-Frith - now has a significant presence in the Middle East market and 44 partners worldwide. Heavy structural elements will be fabricated in Saudi Arabia by JHECO.

“The Middle East, and the Gulf states in particular, are major users of Street Crane hoist equipment, but to date we have had only limited and fragmented representation in Saudi Arabia,” said sales director Gus Zona. “We are pleased to have such a high profile partner who is deeply involved in manufacturing infrastructure and industrial development of the Kingdom.”
