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JLG to launch trailer-mounted lifts

In a meeting with analysts yesterday, JLG showed the first unit in what will intially be a brand-new, two-model line of trailer lifts with platform heights of around 10 and 15 metres respectively. The units are scheduled to enter into production at the end of the year.

Apart from badging and marketing the Aerial range of trailer lifts in Australia, JLG has until now largely ingnored this market, which appeared at one point to be declining with many large producers forecasting that self-propelled lifts will eventually obsolete them and leave the market open to small local producers.

In recent years, however, UpRight and Genie have brought big manufacturer attention, marketing and distribution to this sector. The main effect of this has been the surprising upturn in the North American market for this product, particularly among the general rental stores and "big box" do it yourself rental locations.

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The first ever JLG trailer-mounted platforms, expected to enter production at the end of the year, will provide working heights of around 10 and 15 metres.

JLG's timing will be well placed for the UK market where the Health & Safety Executive is already begining to clamp down on the use of ladders, which are idealy substituted by trailer lifts.

The first JLG model (pictured) features hydraulic outriggers and a telescopic boom.
