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Scalabrini leaves Oil & Steel

In recent months there have been a number of employee movements between Oil & Steel and the newly ‘privatised’ and revitalised Socage.

At the end of last year we reported that Socage export manager Valerio Rampini had joined Oil&Steel and we can now confirm that Simone Scalabrini has left Oil & Steel and is considering his future options.
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Simone Scalabrini

More recently Michela Viviani director of Oil & Steel in the UK, left the business, following the appointment of Cumberland Industries as Socage’s UK distributor.
While Oil & Steel has confirmed her departure, she has declined to comment on her future plans.
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Michela Viviani

Socage was acquired last year by a small group of investors which included Paolo Troni and one of founders of Oil & Steel, Fiorenzo Flisi.

Vertikal Comment

It is not unusual for there to be a burst of employee exchanges between companies that are located in the same area, when a senior manager or owner moves or restarts.

Flisi was one of those who made Oil & Steel what it is and managed the business through many of the best times. Now he is leading the charge at Socage and Cela with more acquisitions talked of. The future at the new business would certainly look exciting and attractive in these hard times and we understand that the new group is receiving numerous enquiries from staff wanting to join the ‘adventure’.

This allows the team at Socage to ‘cherry pick’ key staff from competitors who are in the middle of a long downturn. This story has a long way to go yet, and if Oil & Steel …or others manage the departures well they may reverse the flow, should they wish, at a later date depending how things pan-out.

Watch this space.
