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Filipov confirmed as Atlas buyer

Fil Filipov has been confirmed as the buyer of Atlas Cranes & Excavators from Terex. Filipov is the sole shareholder in Atlas
Maschinen GmbH which has acquired the Atlas business.
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Fil Filipov

The new company will be headquartered at the Atlas crane plant in Delmenhorst, Germany and Filipov will serve as the chairman of Atlas Maschinen Group.

A statement from Filipov stated that Atlas will continue manufacturing in the following locations:
ATLAS Maschinen GmbH, Excavators- Atlasstrasse 6, Ganderkesee, Germany
ATLAS Maschinen GmbH, Cranes - Stedinger strasse 324, Delmenhorst, Germany
ATLAS Maschinen GmbH, hydraulic cyldinders- Theodor-Heuss-Str. 3, Vechta, Germany

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A Terex Atlas loader crane

“Atlas Cranes & Excavators have strong industry recognition, wide
distribution network and quality manufacturing capabilities. The Atlas
brand name and Atlas colors will be used, and no changes will be made to the current distribution network. Our main objective is to focus on quality, customer service, cost improvements, lead time reductions and to expand our product offerings.” Said Filipov.

As a strategic initiative, Atlas will be offering complete products,
including special adaptations and attachments. We will be looking for additional work from outside customers, to better utilise the capacity of our Cylinder and Fab factory in Vechta, Germany. No factory closings or headcount reductions are planned”.
