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Recognition for Carsten Poulsen

Danish spider and trailer lift manufacturer Omme Lift has named sales manager Carsten Poulsen as its employee of the year 2012. He was recently presented with the award and the large trophy that goes along with it.
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Omme directors Harry Lorentsen (L) and Torben Lorentsen (R) present Carsten Poulsen with the award and cup/trophy

In presenting the award, the company said: “In the nearly 22 years that Carsten Poulsen has been working for Omme Lift, his great efforts have always been praised along with his professionalism in spreading the knowledge of Ommelifts. Among his many achievements Omme Lift has attained a breakthrough in the U.S.A market, not least due to the hard work of Carsten and the many days of travel in 2012. Carsten is in his own way surrounded by mutual respect from colleagues and the company’s management.”


Congratulations Carsten. A thoroughly deserved award. I am so pleased all your efforts are recognised.
The cup is pretty spectacular and FIFA will need it back to present to the winners of the Champions League.
All the Very Best Ian, Bronto Skylift

Feb 8, 2013