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Scissor lift outrigger safety bulletin

UK contractor Multiplex has issued a safety bulletin concerning an incident with the levelling jack on a big Dingli scissor lift that occurred this weekend at a job site in Glasgow.

We though it best to simply publish the text of the bulletin in full.

Failure of Scissor Lift Jack Leg - Dingli JCPT2223RTB
Date: 19 Nov 2022
Incident Category: SPI – No injuries.

On Saturday morning, a supervisor and operative were working from the platform of an elevated scissor lift to access the façade of the IHW building on University Way at the University of Glasgow.
The scissor lift, a Dingli JCPT2223RTB Rough Terrain model, was extended to a height of approximately 20 metres on firm ground conditions. The platform was sited at a distance approximately 300mm from the face of the building prior to the incident.
At around 10.30am, the men working on the platform saw it moving away from the building and raised the alarm. The machine came to rest at 1.4 metres from the façade and was at significant risk of overturning.
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It was quickly identified that one of the support jacks had partially retracted, de-stabilising the machine with the weight coming to rest on the wheel. There was no sign of a hydraulic leak. A dynamic risk assessment identified that the platform could not be lowered without a high likelihood of overturning. The supplier attended site and installed temporary jacks to stabilise the machine to enable a second elevated work platform to be brought alongside and effect a rescue of the stranded operatives.
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Immediate Actions:
The supplier has immediately taken their fleet of Dingli scissor lifts of this type out of service pending a technical investigation into the failure. Multiplex are maintaining a dialogue with the supplier. Multiplex have issued a temporary quarantine on the use of this type of scissor lift across the UK operation pending the findings of this investigation. The incident has been reported to the UK Health and Safety Executive as a Dangerous Occurrence under RIDDOR.

We are also a member of the International Powered Access Federation (IPAF) and have informed them of this incident. The UK Tier 1 industry groups for lifting and health and safety will be notified of this incident. We will keep all parties informed of the progress into this investigation. An SPI Learning Bulletin will be issued on conclusion of the investigation.

Martin Wilshire
Director – Health, Safety and Wellbeing
Multiplex Construction Europe Limited

Download a copy

You can download a copy of the bulletin from the Safety section of the Vertikal Library

We understand that Dingli contacted all of its UK customers shortly a couple of days after the incident, having worked with the contractor and Summit to find out went wrong. Following the initial investigation the company was able to confirm that the machines remain safe to use. An update from the manufacturer is expected within 10 days of the incident being reported.

We understand that the casue of the leak, was due to a manufacturing/seal installation issue on this jack that caused a slow leak back when fully loaded. However the incident has also highlighted another issue that is likely to affect a great many machines from many manufacturers. The emergency Stop button is typically used to stop the engine, or dissarm the cpontrols on electric machines. While this had little to no effect in the distant past, cutting the power with the E-Stop includes cutting power to the alarms and sensors that modern machines are equipped with. In this case the light load sensor on the jacks and alarm, plus the tilt alarm which would have gone off as the machine leaned over, not to mention the platform overload system.

Vertikal Comment

This is not the first time we have heard of a jack retracting - although we have not heard of a case for many years and not on a Dingli scissor before. In past incidents the leak was usually caused by contamination of some sort in one or more of the safety or other valves. It appears that the crew on site handled this situation well.

Hopefully the cause of the leak will be discovered rapidly as there is a chance that it may well apply to other machines - from this and other manufacturers.

One small point is that jacks on machines such as this are not outriggers, they are levelling jacks and only need to be used to level up the machine as this unit can travel at full height. It might have been a little less hairy, if the jacks close to the building had not been extended quite so far? Although that is clearly not the point here. But might be something to consider when using such scissor lifts of all makes in such applications.


*doesn't like

Nov 28, 2022

Dear Mr. Editor,

when it comes to thumbs down on obituaries/tributes, it does not necessarily have to be a case that the person giving the thumbs down, or posting a negative comment, does like the person making a previous comment, but could also be a case of them not agreeing with the other comments or obituaries/tributes due to personal experience or history with the person whom the obituary/tribute is about.

There is one person within the industry whom I know to be a vicious and vile bully, but yet I am sure when his obituary appears on here, many will post nice comments about him, including yourself. The day his obituary appears on here, the world will feel like a safer place to me, but yet it feels like you would brand me as "some moron" if i gave thumbs down on a tribute paid by someone else.

Nov 28, 2022

Malcolm Bowers
You make some sound points Leigh. I’m sure most will see and agree with your reasoning in leaving the red thumb as is.
Even though I’m in my third year of retirement I still check Vertikal every day.

Nov 28, 2022

vertikal editor
I agree with the comments regarding those that post a thumbs down on polite and sensible comments. This sort of attitude is a sad trend we have seen proliferate as social media forums gained momentum. I think it says more about the sad lives of the trolls who do it, than anything about the people posting the comment or the comment itself. Thankfully there are very very few of them on Vertikal.

As to removing the red thumb, as Malcolm points out we already did this on obituaries/tributes many years ago when some moron started giving thumbs down on a genuine and heart warming tributes- possibly because they did not like the person posting it?

As to the rest of the stories we have been reluctant to do the same, as we have faith in the vast majority of our readers. Comments are often posted that while not breaking any of our rules are clearly misguided or have deeply unpleasant undertones or are simply crass. In such cases the red thumb provides our normal more intelligent readers with the opportunity to give their opinion on such comments, and generally - although not always - the number of thumbs down demonstrate the disdain or disagreement that most in the industry think of such comments.

Having said all this we are looking to post an overview comment and host a poll on this and will take heed of the result.

Nov 28, 2022

Malcolm Bowers
Hi again Harry
Stories that inform us of the sad passing of our industry colleagues have the red thumb removed. Isn’t that a sad indictment of some of the readers of Vertikal that they have to do this.
Your initial message was really genuine, with fellow feeling, understanding and sympathetic but still generated some thumbs downs. It’s crazy and so are the people who feel a need to be so objectionable.

Nov 27, 2022

Harry Sharp
Malcolm, understood that there are some strange people using this service. Vertikal is a force for the good and exists to promote best practice among other things. It is confusing why some people disagree with some comments such as mine.

Vertikal: I think it’s about time you address this issue. Possible solutions include removing the thumbs down feature or keep it but upon clicking the thumbs down, a window pops up stating the person must explain why they disagree.

Nov 27, 2022

It's Dingli...

Nov 27, 2022

They abound
An adrenaline buzz for some. I don't get 'A dynamic risk assessment identified that the platform could not be lowered without a high likelihood of overturning'. Why not?

Nov 26, 2022

Malcolm Bowers
If you post comments on Vertikal you will have to accept that they will be read by some strange and generally negative people. Over the years I’ve been shocked and amazed by people who ‘thumbs down’ even the most heartfelt and well meant messages.
Is it the message content they don’t like?
Is it me they don’t like?
Is it the product?
Is it the supplier?
Who knows?
In my opinion Vertikal should do away with the thumbs down feature. Why should we be exposed to the pettiness of anonymous people with mental hang ups and issues? Let them make a comment if they don’t like what they read.

Nov 26, 2022

Harry Sharp
Further to my comment below I’d like to apologise to the down voters. It clearly was most inconsiderate that I shared my feelings about the 2 people stuck in that platform.

Nov 26, 2022

Is there a reason these jacks aren't made using screwed jacks with a mechanical lock off? I used screwed jacks to jack up aircraft back in the day and it was a secondary safety feature. I've never liked the idea of hoses and check valves being the last chance for integrity.

Nov 24, 2022

Harry Sharp
The mental torture that the operatives must have gone through whilst waiting to be rescued is unimaginable. What a relief to know they got down safely.

Nov 24, 2022