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World Cup offers

A number of companies are offering customers special deals to piggy back on the enthusiasm for the World Cup in South Africa..

The most immediate comes from Active rentals of Scotland, it says that should England win its crucial match against Slovenia today, it will take £50 off any invoice for re-hire from English “Sassenach” companies for orders placed after the game and before noon on Monday.
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Here is the note from Andy McCusker of Active:
“It’s been hot in Scotland today leading to the silly season breaking out in the office this afternoon! We all felt left out of all the World Cup shenanigans so we decided to get in on the act! We are making the following short term offer
based on the result of tomorrow’s game. If Capello’s men triumph in South Africa against Slovenia we will take £50 off the cross hire invoice of any new business placed by my Sassenach Cousins between the end of the game
and noon on Monday!!”

$66,000 Snorkel boom

Another offer comes from Snorkel which has launched The Snorkel “Spirit of ’66 promotion” Commemorating England winning the World Cup in 1966.

The promotion offers buyers the opportunity to buy a 66ft SB66JRT telescopic boom lift for just $66,000.
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Snorkel SB66

Richard Tindale, sales and marketing director for Snorkel, said: “The World Cup unites people around the globe in their love of football. Our Spirit of ‘66 promotion is a way to give our customers a great deal, share our enthusiasm for the beautiful game – and remind everyone that England can actually win the trophy!”

All machines are brand new and are in US dollars ex-works UK and lasts for the duration of the World Cup tournament.
