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A moustachioed McArdle

Patrick McArdle of Height for Hire/Easi Uplifts is growing a moustache in November to raise money for cancer charities.

McArdle is participating in the Movember Foundation charity which runs the annual men’s health initiative, Movember, around the world.

The idea is that each year in November, thousands of participants grow unusual moustaches with the sole aim of raising funds and awareness for men’s health, specifically prostate cancer.
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Patrick McArdle looking like a bandito for November

The men raise funds by seeking out sponsorship for their growing efforts. The rules are simple; register online at and start the month of Movember clean shaven, then grow a moustache.

The money raised as a result of Movember is channelled by our men’s health partner into a number of world class and innovative education, support, research and awareness initiatives. Movember UK collaborates with the men’s health partner – The Prostate Cancer Charity.

In order to support Patrick’s efforts you can donate as little or as much as you like on:
UK: :
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He told us that the growth is driving him mad.. but he only has 13 days left to go and it is all for a good cause.
