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Heli’s Sabine Le Roy in line for women’s award

Sabine Le Roy owner of Belgian based crane and aerial lift specialist Heli is one of three finalists in a national award for Belgian women in business.

The 12th annual Women in Enterprise and Development is being organised by
Unizo in collaboration with Vlerick Leuven Gent Management School and KBC Trends.

The organisers say that there is no formula for entrepreneurial spirit, but that it is a rare combination of courage and vision and willingness to change, coupled with the ability to take responsibility and work autonomously while cooperating with others.

As to female entrepreneurs? The Vlerick Management School says: "They tend to be "hands-on" types, preferring a clearly viable approach to strategy or planning and once a strategy is decided are committed to seeing it through, but they tend to be more cautious decision makers."

"The typical female business leader tends not to be a natural networker and certainly not a ‘table runner’." With this in mind the organisers set out to find women in business that have a track record of success, particularly in adverse market sectors such as those dominated by men. The aerial lift business is one such sector.
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Le Roy joined Heli in 1995 and has owned the company since 2007. The organisers describe here as a tough lady, a good analyst and an open communicator. She has a record of investing in her staff and their training in order to ensure the best quality and service levels for the business.

Heli which recently opened a new operation in France has 48 employees and revenues of €14.7 million with net income of €75,000. The company, based in Wetteren, near Gent and distributes Snorkel aerial lifts, Maeda mini cranes, Ormig pick & carry cranes, Omme and Bluelift spider lifts and the Glaslift.


Wim le Roy
All you in favour of Sabine can support her by voting via the following link :

Thank you very much!

Feb 11, 2011