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Who needs a job?

With the market beginning to pick up in most places, recent input from company’s looking for staff suggests that a major skill shortage may be looming in spite of rising unemployment.

A good case in point is a job advertised on line and in a recent Cranes & Access by Ostas looking for a lifting and rigging training officer. In spite of the clear attractions of the job and the career potential that it offered, the company has so far been unable to fill the post almost three months after it started looking.

On the other hand companies looking to fill sales positions have been more successful, possibly reflecting the low entry threshold and the fact that a good number of companies laid off sales related staff during the slowdown.

With the pick-up expected to be steady rather than dramatic, there is time now for forward looking companies to look to their training and recruitment plans in preparation for the next strong upward trend which is likely to reach ‘good times’ status by 2014 ish…..

Looking for staff ? Try our online and print/online packages – Looking for a job? It’s your lucky day it’s free. Click here to go to the recruitment section

