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Vertikal breaks all records

In January and then again in February traffic to Vertikal.Net broke all records with February hitting an all time high of over 17 million hits and 128,000 visitors.

It has been some time since we checked our statistics, as January and February can be quiet periods, however not this year January set new records only to be beaten again in February a shorter month.

Around 5,500 people now routinely log on to every morning and stay on long enough to clock up the following statistics in February:

Number of hits: 17,696,612
Number of pages viewed: 10,040,586
Bandwidth used 178.58GB

These statistics predate our new higher speed mobile version so we do not know yet what impact this might have. We thank you all for your support, particularly those sponsors who help us fund what we do.

Want to support our efforts further and benefit yourself at the same time ?

If you want to help maintain, improve and support further development of you can help us while helping yourself gain more business and or brand awareness.

While we would willingly accept any donations, there is no need to be so philanthropic, you can support us by booking an entry in our online lifting and access directory, complete with hot link and publication of your details in every issue of the relevant magazine for just £175 a year (€280 or $300) all in.

Alternatively for greater exposure book a banner or let us host one of your videos or use our recruitment section to find good staff.

PS – 10 years of Vertikal

On March 30th we will celebrate the 10th anniversary of the first ever story posted in – an interview with Leopold Mayerhofer of Ringlift. The story is still online and available to read. The first English story did not go online until April 3rd for some reason, a report on a joint venture between Mammoet and Hovago the Dutch based crane companies. More on this subject later.
