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Jubilee celebrations create work - updated

The UK has started a four day holiday weekend to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II's reign.

The celebrations have created business or charitable opportunities all over the UK as street decorations are put up and in London public buildings are prepared. The following are just a couple of examples of the work that crane and access companies have been carrying out over the past couple of months.

In Lutterworth corporate headquarters of Lavendon, Nationwide Platforms helped the local town council decorate the streets in preparation for a big a street party, with a 26 metre truck mounted lift and operator.
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Putting bunting up in the streets of Lutterworth

To help ensure the correct machine was provided for the job, Nationwide Platforms worked with the council to survey the site and discuss the plans.

Mayor Robert Coleman said: “We’re very pleased to have been supported by Nationwide Platforms in making this happen. The bunting helps give added atmosphere to the area and will help us create a real sense of occasion for our community street party.”

Joe Keely, corporate responsibility manager at Nationwide Platforms, added: “As a business we’re proud to support our neighbours and with our head office located in Lutterworth it was appropriate to give a helping hand with an event that so many local people can enjoy.”
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The 26 metre lift made the job, safe, fast and easy

At the other end of the spectrum Blade Access helped Westminster Abbey, scene of English coronations since 1066, to inspect and repair its flag pole at a height of 80 metres in preparation for both the jubilee and the upcoming Olympics.
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Blade's Wumag WT1000 reaches for the flag pole at Westminster Abbey

The job required the UK’s largest truck mounted lift the Palfinger WT1000, called in to reach flag poles on the north west tower above the great west door, after ladders or scaffolds on the roof were rejected on safety grounds. The unit was supplied to a Flagpole specialist, contracted to complete a full maintenance check and replace a damaged guide rope on the 13 metre high pole.

Any aerial lift needed to have an outreach of over 20 metres at a height of 80 metres- to the top of the flagpole, the WT1000 can achieve 25 metres outreach at 80 metres and was therefore perfect for the job. The job went like clockwork, following a detailed survey, and caused minimum disruption to what is a principal London tourist attraction.
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The application required over 20 metres outreach at a height of 80 metres

The abbey flies flags of the Commonwealth Nations, the flag of St Peter, the Abbey flag, the Union flag, the flags of the national saints, the Royal Air Force flag and the royal standard, depending on the event.

For the jubilee weekend it will fly the Flag of St Peter — red with a pair of golden cross keys, together with the ring of St Edward the Confessor. This flag combines the symbols of the two patron saints of the abbey: the ring of St Edward the Confessor, king of England 1043–1066 and founder of the Abbey in 1065 and the keys of St Peter, keeper of the keys to heaven, after whom the Abbey was named when it was re-founded as a collegiate church in 1579. It is usually flown on church festival days, including Christmas Day.
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An AA Access platform helping in the broadcast of the river pagent on the Thames

Not only was powered access involved in the preparations for the celebrations, but numerous truck mounted lifts have also been playing a role in broadcasting the event.

AA Access supplied a number of lifts for the River Pageant, Concert and Parade, including two 70 metre and one 46 metre Bronto and one 45 metre Ruthmann truck mounted lifts.

And for those who saw the coverage - the machine hanging over the Mall was a 52 metre Bronto 52XDT from London based Universal, one of two employed by the BBC.
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At the top of the Mall a 52 metre Universal truck mounted Bronto 52XDT

Meanwhile Facelift had two Bronto 46MXDTs with the BBC for the event.

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The 100 tonne AT was used to lift the Queen’s Britannia Royal Barge into the King George V Dock, London.

A 100 tonne AT crane from national plant and equipment hire specialist, Hewden also assisted with the celebrations being used to lift the Queen’s Britannia Royal Barge into the King George V Dock, London. The vessel was used to ferry the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh to the Spirit of Chartwell, as part of the 1,000 strong flotilla on the River Thames on Sunday 3rd June. It was the first time in 15 years that the Barge has served the Royal Family. The vessel was previously used to carry the Queen to and from the Royal Yacht Britannia before it was decommissioned in 1997 after almost 44 years’ service.
