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Ladder transfer

Spotted a few weeks ago somewhere in the UK, a man trying to reach an outside window without the right ladders or equipment.
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Up off the step ladder and onto the big one

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The ladder is lashed to the frail looking garden gate

Our man has taken a short single stage ladder and tied it to his garden gate in order to get a little up and over reach onto the roof of his entrance porch.
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Onto the roof he goes

He has then used a small step ladder to reach the elevated ladder, well he certainly has the ladder tied on! The potential for him falling is high to begin with, but add to that the fact that he really doesn’t look as though he should be up a ladder anyway and… one just hopes he didn’t do himself a mischief.
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Near the top, now what is he going to do?

We are not sure if our photographer warned the man of the risks he was taking, he might have been afraid to lest he gave him a bit of shock and caused him to fall!
Most definitely one for our Death Wish series.
