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IPAF Spanish American

The International Powered Access Association - IPAF - has launched a Spanish version of its North American aerial work platform operator's course, fulfilling a commitment made earlier this year to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).

IPAF/AWPT-approved training centres that will initially offer the operator course in Spanish include Valcourt Exterior Building Services based in New Jersey. The AWPT 'eLearning' module will be available in Spanish by the end of September.

Tony Groat, IPAF USA and AWPT executive vice-president said: "IPAF has met the commitment it made to provide materials in other languages. We open up the challenge to those in the industry. Get your employees trained in a manner they can understand for safe AWP operations. The material and the tools are there and there is no excuse for untrained workers when working at height."
