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Jimmy Cook 1920-2013

Jimmy Cook, a high profile member of the UK’s Lighthouse Club and one of its oldest and most loyal supporters, passed away last week at the age of 93.

Cook served the Lighthouse Club for close to 50 years, beginning as chairman of the Midlands branch back in the 1960’s, right up to his more recent role as welfare officer, which he fulfilled until very recently when ill health forced him to slow down.

As a veteran RAF pilot who served in World War II, he could always be relied on for an interesting tale, having served at an RAF airfield just two miles from where the Lincolnshire branch hold their meetings.
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Jimmy Cook

Having remained self-employed as a public relations consultant, he actively promoted the club at a wide range of exhibitions and events, right up until this May. His dedication to the charity earned him the accolade of Honorary Life Membership in 2010.

A statement from the Lighthouse Club said: “His lovely personality made him a popular figure with everyone who knew him and he will be sorely missed. But knowing Jimmy he would want us to celebrate his life which is why we ask everyone to raise a glass in his honour and in doing so spare a thought for his two daughters at this sad time.”
