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Another pair of chancers

Spotted in Plymouth UK yesterday another two men removing Christmas lights on a busy street with no traffic management.
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The two made no attempt to cordon off the lift

One of our readers spotted the two using a van mount on a dual carriageway in the dark at around 5:00pm. Absolutely no attempt had been made to cordon off the lift or manage the traffic. According to our respondent the men were also not wearing a harness. They did at least have a van with a fluorescent chevron back end, although with a door open half of that effect was lost.
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The traffic was quite heavy at times and had to pass close to the lift

In his words: “Contractors removing Xmas lights in busy royal parade, bus lane no harness, zero traffic management busy time 5pm.”

No question about it a definite one for our Death Wish series – people are killed every week taking risks like this, as a vehicle clips the van and they are bounced out of the platform. When will they ever learn. Hopefully our man on the scene had a frank and open discussion with these two.
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Removing the lights

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It looks as though our respondent had a chance to talk to the offenders?
