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Fourth birthday for Access Alliance

The UK based Access Alliance of independent regional rental companies, held its first meeting of 2014 at Skyjack UK on Thursday last week. The event coincided with organisation’s fourth birthday and now comprises 15 member businesses with a combined fleet said to exceed 4,000 platforms.
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The Access Alliance meeting at Skyjack in the UK

The chairman for the meeting was Paul Fairhall of London Tower Service who said: “We enjoyed an excellent attendance with the mood at the meeting being positive and most members reporting high levels of utilisation. We’d like to thank Skyjack and its UK team for their hospitality and help during the day.”

“It was enjoyable to reflect upon the last four years and how well our organisation has developed, with like-minded business owners working together towards a common goal of providing top class equipment and service throughout the UK. We hope to continue to expand the group by inviting interested companies based in the East Anglia, Newcastle, Cumbria, South Wales and Southern Ireland regions to apply for member status.”

The next meeting is due to be held in March at the Haulotte scissor production facility in Reims, France.
