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Frans and Jumpin’ Jack

April sees the launch of “Jumpin’ Jack”, the latest addition to the Mammoet fleet of specialist heavy lifting equipment. Speaking to, Frans van Seumeren, president of Mammoet, revealed the new concept in heavy lift which is designed to allow modern wind turbines to be lifted into place offshore as single units.

“Jumpin’ Jack is basically a jack up unit fitted with our Manitowoc M-1200 Ringer” said Frans van Seumeren. This sounds fairly straightforward until you remember that the M-1200 has a maximum lift capacity of 1200 tonnes. It will be lifting 90 metre high, 650 tonne wind turbines into place in sea conditions of up to 3.8 metres swell. “Jumpin’ Jack” will be able to transport six of these fully assembled turbines to site at a time. They will be stored upright on deck and then lifted into place.

The new unit is owned by a consortium of Mammoet, Baris Group, Van Oord ACZ and Marine Construction. Total investment is approximately €25 million.
