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LHM 420 for Australian port

Australian port logistics and management company Qube Ports has ordered a Liebherr LHM 420 mobile harbour crane.

The LHM 420 can lift its maximum capacity of 124 tonnes at a radius of 16 metres. Its maximum radius is 48 metres. It is the eighth Liebherr mobile harbour crane the company has in its fleet, with units already based in Darwin, Bunbury, Port Hedland, Geraldton and Fremantle. The new machine will be arrive at the port in Bell Bay, Tasmania, in June.
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The new Liebherr LHM 420 will be the company's eighth

Liebherr managing director sales Leopold Berthold said: “Our partnership with Qube goes from strength to strength. We hope to also support them with the new LRS 545 reachstacker or with the upcoming Liebherr log handler.”

Gordon Clark of Liebherr added: “It’s not just the sales, but also the customer service backup. Our new office here is also growing, with a holding of critical spares and trained engineers on both sides of the country.”
