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Wishing you a happy New Year

The New Year celebrations have already occurred having started in Oceania and moved through Asia and already reached the Middle East.

It cannot be ignored that most of 2020 was challenging, frightening and full of sadness as people we know or even love have succumbed to the Covid-19 virus. As you might expect the usual celebrations have been cancelled, curtailed or just changed.
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2020 was a year like no other

But the fireworks have not all gone with many cities already celebrating in a positive optimistic manner.
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There have through been some high points too, as people rediscovered what is really important in life, appreciated the simple things, got more fresh air and exercised more - although some of us might have drunk a little more than usual. Pollution fell significantly, the world generated more of its power from wind, solar and other sustainable sources - in Europe more than all the power generated from all the fossil fuels combined. Polio was eliminated in Africa and the number of people that died from Malaria reached a record low.

But enough of all that, most importantly we would just like to thank all of you for your support in 2020, we appreciate it more than you will know - Thank You - and we would like to wish everyone of you a very very happy, healthy and prosperous year in 2021.

The following video shows how Auckland, New Zealand, kicked off this year’s celebrations.

Happy New Year
