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1,000 Versalift VTLs

Versalift Denmark has completed the 1,000th unit of its VTL (Versalift Telescopic Light) van mounted platforms. The new product range was launched barely two and a half years ago with the VTL-41-145-F - see: New lightweight Versalift.
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The 1,000th Versalift VTL van mounted lift

Since then, production in Denmark has grown beyond all expectations with the VTL product aimed at the changing demands of the European market and to cope with the increasing weight of van chassis as each new engine stage was installed. The result was a fusion of a brand new, lightweight telescopic platform series, not only for light commercial panel vans, but also truck chassis and pickups, all driveable on a standard class B driving licence.
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Kim Bach of Versalift Denmark

The VTL was followed by the VTM van mount in mid 2019 with the new VDTL van mount coming later that year. The growth in production has generated more than 50 new jobs at the company’s Danish plant in Farsø – which is situated between Aalborg and Aarhus. Production in France and UK where the units are mounted, has also helped increase capacity.

Chief executive Kim Bach said: “The journey and success so far has been amazing. The VTL/VDTL/VTM product line still has a huge potential for growth in both Europe and in certain countries outside. We continue to develop the product line, focusing on customer needs, quality and Total Cost of Ownership. As always, we listen to our customers and improve our products to meet updated market requirements.”
