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Palazzani adds capacity

Italian spider lift manufacturer Palazzani is building a new facility next to its plant in Paderno Franciacorta on the north side of Brescia, more than doubling its covered production space.

The original plant is located on a three acre site on via del Pavione, with 6,000 square metres under cover. The building on the new facility, which is currently under construction, covers 7,000 square metres. It is located in the same area as its current plant and will incorporate the latest technology.
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A statement from the company said: “We have experienced strong sales volume growth over in recent years, which has led us to the decision to acquire new industrial buildings. The new production plant will be strategic for further growth developments of the company and will include the most modern production technologies in an ‘Industry 4.0’ perspective and will effectively be a digital factory. It will help us to keep our customers and dealers happy with more products and capacity.
