Spotted in Union Street, Aberdeen Scotland on Tuesday night this week, two truck mounted platforms working on what appears to be an overhead display or lighting.
According to our correspondent the lifts were set up either side of Union street, with no attempt to cordon off from traffic or pedestrians on the crossing or pavement/sidewalk. There was a person on the ground in a hi-Vix coat, who one assumes was there to keep an eye out for people and traffic.
However, when our correspondent took out his phone to take a photo of the lifts the person became angry enough to prevent him taking any photos. In his words “Two truck mounted platforms set up on either side of the street with no cordon, or warning for traffic, and when I pulled out my phone this guy got very threatening and abusive!”
It certainly looks like the traffic was fairly quiet, but a few cones and some warning tape or a light or two would have taken no time to set up. The worst thing here is the attitude – something we come across all too often. Shame!
So, on that basis one for our Death Wish series.
Have a safe weekend.
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