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Sumerling moves up

David Sumerling, previously marketing communications manager at JLG Europe, has been promoted to head up the company’s worldwide exhibitions and events.
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David Sumerling

In his new role as senior manager global promotions & events Sumerling will remain at the company’s Hoofddorp, Amsterdam offices.

Sumerling, a Scot by birth joined JLG at its then European Headquarters in Glasgow after a number of years at Grove Europe in a marketing services role.

Vertikal Comment

Few people in the aerial lift industry have as much experience as Sumerling when it comes to organising exhibition stands.

However for all the “global” talk few American based corporations, or European for that matter, are open minded enough to base managers in such roles away from corporate Headquarters.

This looks like a clear sign that JLG, under Oshkosh, is truly thinking internationally (globally) by appointing a European based manager to head up such a role.

It is refreshing to see
