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Job done!

The A.M.P Nifty lift Apprentice Project 2008 that we have followed from when the two apprentices, Chris Verrin-Simpson in Liskeard and Sam Lee in Taunton, were presented with the clapped out machines.
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All done! John Keely- Nifty, Chris Verrin-Simpson, Sam Lee and Andy Pearson of A.M.P

Since then they have stripped them out, cleaned up and refurbished the components and then rebuilt the machines from scratch. The machine we showed from SED, rebuilt by Verrin-Simpson, had sadly been spoilt a little when a hose burst over the fresh paint.

The other, on display at Access Days, was therefore visually better, although there was some debate to which was actually the best of the two rebuilds. Either way both were a credit to the two young apprentices, at least one of the machines will be on display at Vertikal Days, so you can judge the handiwork yourself.
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The machine rebuilt by Sam Lee at Access Days

Both apprentices attended SED and Access Days, where they were presented with a crystal tankard marking their achievement, before returning to the national construction college at Bircham Newton.
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(L-R) John Keely of Nifty, Chris Verrin-Simpson, Sam Lee and Andy Pearson of A.M.P presenting crystal tankard trophies

Finally our congratulations to both Nifty lift and A.M.P for creating for carrying out this worthwhile exercise which not only provided some excellent practical experience to the two concerned, but which, we hope, has raised the profile of the need to bring young people into the industry and then provide a solid training programme for them.

We would be very interested to hear from other rental companies and manufacturers, perhaps we could develop this into a wider programme and competition each year? With national prizes awarded each year to the best rebuild?

If you have any views or ideas on this contact Leigh Sparrow at the Vertikal Press.
